Registration Form

Register now and gain access to the AIA Life Planner Portal.

You can register here and upon processing your valid request; you will be granted immediate access to the AIA Life Planner Portal.

Registration Info
Login Info
Agent Code:

Your new password should meet the following criteria:

1. Minimum Password length should be 9 characters.

2. Your password needs to contain at least 3 of the following 4 character groups:

- English uppercase characters (A through Z);

- English lowercase characters (a through z);

- Numerals (0 through 9);

- Special characters are @,#,$,%,(,),-,/,.,-,:,;,?,!,_,*

Security Info

You are required to provide answers for the below 3 questions. Your answers will be used for authentication in future.


Your particulars has been updated successfully!


1. The agent code will be used as your ID once it is approved.